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Ngoziedema's Updates, Issue #001 -- teaser here
October 08, 2024
Dear Subscriber,

I am Checking In On You

I am checking in on you. We all need that little nudge each day that it will be okay!

It is the start of a new week. We all want the best of every moment. To have that, we should be intentional. Planning and moving one step at a time.

I want to let you know I love to have you here as part of this amazing community of book writers and time management ethusiasts.

For us to enjoy doing what we do, we must manage every momnet. What is the one thing I can help you with over the next week or so that would make a difference for you?

In the last few months, I have been working on two YouTube channels and will be launching a new podcast soon. I will let you know as I travel through this new space and chapter of my life.

I want us to work together cheering each other to the finish line.

And before I leave, I just posted a new video on how to publish a children book. My videos are short with no fluff. Straight to the point because I value your time. So, watch the latest below:

It would also be a great idea to follow me on social media as I often post a lot of what is going on, on my website here.

To finish off this week's newsletter here is a quote that some think is from Walt Disney; however, I would love to leave it with you for the rest of the week:

"If you can dream it, you can do it." Always believe in yourself, strive hard to do whatever you do, and bring out the very best of your work. So enjoy your week, keep moving one step at a time.


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