Felix The Fox Tricked The Pack

Felix the Fox is African folklore that has been adapted for storytelling with Ngozi.

In the original story, the main character was a dog. In this story, we have swapped the dog for a Fox. Well, just to change things up a little bit. 

Felix the dog visited the city of humans to steal and learn what makes these humans smarter than the foxes. He got there on the day people were partying and having a good time.

 When he got to the city, he watched the happy humans from a distance. He then noticed they had so much to eat and drink. 

They were also moving, bending twisting and rolling around in what humans call dancing. However, to Felix the Fox, those were silly moves for no apparent reason.

Well, as they danced, Felix gathered food to take back with him to the pack of foxes he left at their home in the woods. Soon, he had gathered enough to last them for a little while. But the greedy Fox kept gathering more food. A little boy soon saw him and screamed. What happened next?

Check out the audio below:

 Lessons from Felix the Fox?

Never believe everything your friends tell you. Always check things out. Ask a parent as they know better than you know. And they are not likely to deceive you. Some of our peers may lie to us because they want us to get hurt like they are hurt. That was what Felix did and it is unkind to do that to anyone.

Foxes And Their Tails

Have you ever wondered what animals like foxes need their tails for?

Well, the tails of foxes, aid balance, that is, as they run very fast, they do not fall over because their tails keep them stabled. 

It also helps in keeping them warm when the weather is cold. The foxes also use their tails to communicate with each other. So, it is not nice to have their tails cut off as it happened in the story.

Activity For Felix The Fox Story

Foxes live in the wild. They could be dangerous to us so; we should respect their space when we are out camping.

We make the earth better when we protect the wildlife. Can you write down three ways you can help protect wildlife? You can get ideas here

Also, foxes are closely related to dogs, they are very cute. Many of them have long brushy tails. Can you draw a picture of a fox and send your pictures and writing to us using the box below.

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