Why Are Moms So Busy?

Why are moms so busy? As soon as you carry that tiny individual in your womb, your life changes forever! Busyness becomes your lifestyle. And many times, there is little you can do to make your busy life better!

I am a busy mom and a coach. My job is to help busy moms like me write and self-publish their first book!. But before they can achieve this goal, they must first clean up their schedule to create the time for such a task. But we need to understand some avoidable things that may make moms so busy.

Now, creating time is not a thing, as we have a finite amount of time. Time is one of the few things that makes us equal. We all have 24 hours and must fit everything we need to do within that 24-hour bracket.

If you are a mom, you are busier than most people! You also have a 24-hour timeframe. And must schedule your time like everyone else to put in all the essentials.

When you became a mom, you must have sacrificed a lot. You may have to sacrifice your time, energy and other resources. Those sacrifices are rewarding. But you should also invest in self-care. If you pay attention to your care and improve the quality of your life, you will have a lot more to offer your children!

One way to care for yourself is to reduce the amount of work you do. If life gets too busy, overwhelm sets in, and you become discouraged to move forward with any other goals like writing your first book! Let us look at why are moms so busy.

What Makes Moms So Busy?

You love your job as a mom. You love your family. And your mind keeps racing with what to do next, when and what is for dinner, and what can you do to make everyone comfortable and happy. And most times, you omit one person, Yourself. You find every reason to be busy, and here are my top four reasons why this may be the case:

  • Mommy Guilt is a condition when moms worry excessively about making mistakes. Or set unrealistic standards for what makes a good mom. When they fail, they blame themselves for being such a terrible mom. When you have a high standard of what makes a good mom, you may have to work so hard to reach that standard. You may create a list of non-essentials to be busy or appear busy. The solution is a mindset shift. You are a good mom! And it is okay to free up time for yourself guilt-free! There is no such thing as a perfect mom. We all try to do our best. Since you are no superhuman, aim to do your best and stick with only the essentials.
  • Failure to Isolate what is Needed. Mommy's life is a busy one. Write down what is needed now, later or never. Draw up a schedule and isolate the priorities. Block off time for these and complete them. Check off what you have done, and pick the next set of things to do. Be aware you are human and cannot do everything. Once you recognise this, you won't stress too much about what you cannot do. Do your best and give others the chance to help. 
  •  Delegation. I had a problem delegating. That is asking others to help. I felt no one else could do it like me. While that may be true, on occasion, remember, there is nothing that no one else can do! If you overwork yourself and become ill, you won't be able to do these things anyway. So, if you love the people you care for, keep yourself healthy by delegating. You not only free up time to do the things you enjoy doing, but you could take the time to relax and get a well-deserved rest. You need this! And who knows, you may free up one hour a day to write your book and become published in about 90 days! You can do this. So which one of your tasks could you ask a friend or family member to help you? If you do not ask, you won't get it!
  •  Not Accounting For Time Spent. If you do not account for the time you spend each day, you may allow it to slip by and waste it. At the same time, thinking you are busy when you are not so busy. So, check what you do each day and how much time you spend on non-essentials like social media and chatting with friends. While great connections with family and friends are great for your mental well being, you need to schedule time for this. Or it may add another layer of busyness to your schedule. So, if you have a moment, grab your calendar and schedule time to hang out while leaving time for You. If you do not take charge of your time, others will do it in ways you may not like. Please take control of how you spend your time.

I know the factors here do not represent everyone's situation. Some moms are busy because they cannot get help. They may have children with health challenges with no help in sight. If you are struggling, our prayers and heart go out to you. You are a great mom! Check with the authorities where you live to see if there are any relief programmes for you. Get all the help you can get!

Remember: Mommy's life is rewarding. Being busy is not a bad thing if you stay within your limits. Overwhelming may be a choice you can avoid. You are human, and you cannot do everything. Concentrate on what is needed and remove the non-essentials.

What Next For Moms So Busy?

We can never eliminate everything that makes moms so busy, but you can reduce the busy to just what is necessary.

And before you go, I help moms like myself become self-published authors. If that is you, please get in touch. I can't wait to work with you to get your book out in at least 90 days! Book an assessment, and let's get started. You may be part of the moms-so-busy group but you can also find the time to do something for yourself, and that is self-care.

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