This week's story on storytelling with Ngozi is "why the pig sniffs the ground"? A story from West Africa.
Telling children stories is universal. That is the primary and most effective way of transmitting information from one generation to the next. It helps shape the behaviour of kids and teach them to love and respect people. It is used to warn them of dangers and show what happens when people make bad choices.
Many times when children are given a series of instructions they may forget. But when they hear stories, it forms pictures on their minds that may stay there, their entire lives. Storytelling is an effective tool that has been used for centuries.
Many of these stories were true life stories and others were fiction. Do you know what fiction is?
When we listen to stories from other cultures, it helps us understand who they are and why they do the things they do. You connect with them and see we have more that are similar and less of what makes us different. And even the difference in us makes life more fun.
A story is said to be a fiction, when it never happened. It was imagined. Like this week's story, is a fiction. Why? Because pigs and tortoise do not talk and cannot do the things we do as humans like buying food, or asking for money. They are written and told for entertainment and to learn one or two lessons. What did you learn from this week's episode?
The story shows Mr Pig extending kindness to Mr Tortortise, and the Tortoise responding by his cruel tricks. It ends with the other animals avoiding the tortoise. No one liked him or ever wanted to his friend. What a huge price to pay as we all need friends. But they don't stay our friends if we are not nice.
And for your to-do activities this week, what do you think Mr Pig or Mr Tortoise could have done differently?
Is there anything we can learn and improve in the way we treat or interact with people each day. Sometimes grownups make changes too!
So send us your writings using the box below. I also know you all are great with drawing and colouring. Draw either a pig or a tortoise. I hope someone picks the tortoise with its beautiful shells and amazing patterns.
Did you know that tortoise can go in and out of their shell? Their shells protect them from danger. Do you know the difference between a turtle and a tortoise? Turtle live in water and tortoise live on land. They look quite similar. And are reptiles.
In the story, grinding stone was mentioned. It usually have two piece. one piece is like a rolling pin like the one your mum or dad use for rolling dough for baking. And the other piece is a flat stone. To grind, the pepper or anything is placed on the flat stone and the rolling stone rolled over the peppers until crushed.
Do You Have A Story or Drawing On This Week's Story? Please Share It Here!
Send us your pictures and writing. There will be a monthly giveaway for either best writing or painting.
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